Operator's Manual

Important: Do Not attempt to tur n the unit
while on the ramp; y ou may lose contr ol and
dri v e of f the side.
A v oid sudden acceleration when dri ving up a ramp
and sudden deceleration when bac king do wn a
ramp . Both maneuv ers can cause the unit to tip
bac kw ard.
Loading a unit onto a trailer or tr uck
incr eases the possibility of backw ard
tip-o v er and could cause serious injur y or
Use extr eme caution when operating a
unit on a ramp .
Use onl y a sing le, full width ramp; Do
Not use indi vidual ramps f or each side
of the unit.
If indi vidual ramps must be used, use
enough ramps to cr eate an unbr ok en
ramp surf ace wider than the unit.
Do not ex ceed a 15 deg r ee ang le betw een
ramp and g r ound or betw een ramp and
trailer or tr uck.
A v oid sudden acceleration while dri ving
unit up a ramp to a v oid tipping backw ard.
A v oid sudden deceleration while backing
unit do wn a ramp to a v oid tipping
backw ard.
Figure 29
1. Trailer 3. Not greater than
15 degrees
2. Full width ramp 4. Full width ramp—side view
Operating Tips
Fast Throttle Setting
F or best mo wing and maxim um air circulation,
operate the engine at the fast throttle position. Air
is required to thoroughly cut g rass clippings , so
do not set the height-of-cut so lo w as to totally
sur round the mo w er b y uncut g rass . Alw a ys tr y to
ha v e one side of the mo w er free from uncut g rass ,
whic h allo ws air to be dra wn into the mo w er .
Cutting a Lawn for the First Time
Cut g rass slightly long er than nor mal to ensure the
cutting height of the mo w er does not scalp any
unev en g round. Ho w ev er , the cutting height used
in the past is g enerally the best one to use . W hen
cutting g rass long er than six inc hes tall, y ou ma y
w ant to cut the la wn twice to ensure an acce ptable
quality of cut.
Cut 1/3 of the Grass Blade
It is best to cut only about 1/3 of the g rass blade .
Cutting more than that is not recommended unless
g rass is sparse , or it is late fall when g rass g ro ws
more slo wly .