Operator's Manual
Loading a unit onto a trailer or tr uck
incr eases the possibility of backw ard
tip-o v er and could cause serious injur y or
• Use extr eme caution when operating a
unit on a ramp .
• Use onl y a sing le, full width ramp; Do
Not use indi vidual ramps f or each side
of the unit.
• If indi vidual ramps must be used, use
enough ramps to cr eate an unbr ok en
ramp surf ace wider than the unit.
• Do not ex ceed a 15 deg r ee ang le betw een
ramp and g r ound or betw een ramp and
trailer or tr uck.
• A v oid sudden acceleration while dri ving
unit up a ramp to a v oid tipping backw ard.
• A v oid sudden deceleration while backing
unit do wn a ramp to a v oid tipping
backw ard.
Figure 30
1. Trailer 3. Not greater than
15 degrees
2. Full width ramp 4. Full width ramp—side view
Using the Z Stand®
T he Z Stand raises the front end of the mac hine
to allo w y ou to clean the mo w er and remo v e the
blades .
T he machine could f all onto someone and
cause serious injur y or death.
• Use extr eme caution when operating the
machine on the Z Stand.
• Use onl y f or cleaning the mo w er and
r emo ving the blades.
• Do not k eep the machine on the Z Stand
f or extended periods of time.
• Al w ays tur n the engine of f, set the
par king brak e, and r emo v e the k ey
bef or e perf or ming an y maintenance to
the mo w er .
Driving up onto the Z Stand
Important: Use the Z Stand on a lev el
surf ace.
1. Raise the mo w er to the transpor t position.
2. R emo v e the brac k et pin ( Figure 31 ).
Figure 31
1. Z Stand 4. Bracket Pin
2. Latch 5. Bottom of slot
3. Bracket
3. Raise the latc h. Swing the stand foot out
front and slide stand to w ard mac hine , into the
bottom of slot ( Figure 31 and Figure 32 ).