Operator's Manual

Figure 61
1. Clevis pin in slot
7. Spring
2. Nut against yoke 8. Pivot shaft
3. Adjustment bolt 9. Yoke
4. Pump rod 10. Locknut
5. Double nuts 11. Ball joint
6. Jam nut
Hydraulic System
Checking the Hydraulic
Chec k the h y draulic fluid lev el:
Before the engine is first star ted.
After the first 8 operating hours .
After ev er y 25 operating hours .
Fluid T ype: Mobil 1 15W -50 synthetic motor oil or
equi v alent synthetic oil.
Important: Use oil specified or equi v alent.
Other fluids could cause system dama ge.
Hy draulic System Oil Capacity: 67 oz. (2.0 l)
Note: T here are tw o w a ys of c hec king the
h y draulic oil. One is when the oil is w ar m and one
is when the oil is cold. T he baffle inside the tank
has tw o lev els de pending if the oil is w ar m or cold.
1. P osition the mac hine on a lev el surface and set
the parking brak e .
2. Clean the area around filler nec k of h y draulic
tank ( Figure 62 ).
Figure 62
1. Cap
3. Cold uid level-full
2. Bafe 4. Hot uid level-full
3. R emo v e the cap from the filler nec k. Look
inside to c hec k if there is fluid in the reser v oir
( Figure 62 ).
4. If there is no fluid, add fluid to the reser v oir
until it reac hes the cold lev el of the baffle .
5. R un the mac hine at lo w idle for 15 min utes to
allo w any air to purg e out of the system and
w ar m the fluid. R efer to Star ting and Stopping
the Engine in Operation , pag e 15 .
6. R ec hec k the fluid lev el while the fluid is w ar m.
T he fluid should be betw een cold and hot.
7. If required, add fluid to the h y draulic tank.
Note: T he fluid lev el should be to the top
of the hot lev el of the baffle , when the fluid
is hot ( Figure 62 ).
8. Install cap on filler nec k.