Operator's Manual

Figure 49
1. Slotted Nut 3. Hole in threaded shaft
2. Two threads or less
4. Washer (if needed)
5. Chec k the distance from bottom of slot in n ut
to inside edg e of hole . T w o threads or less
should be sho wing ( Figure 49 ).
6. If more than tw o threads are sho wing remo v e
n ut and install w asher betw een hub and n ut.
7. T or que the slotted n ut to 125 ft-lb (170 N m)
( Figure 49 ).
8. Tighten the n ut until the next set of slots line
up with the hole in the shaft ( Figure 49 ).
9. R e place the cotter pin.
Adjusting the Caster Pivot
Chec k after ev er y 500 operating hours or at
storag e , whic h ev er comes first.
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. R emo v e the dust cap from caster and tighten
loc k n ut ( Figure 50 ).
4. Tighten the loc kn ut until the spring w ashers
are flat and then bac k off a 1/4 tur n to properly
set the pre-load on the bearings ( Figure 50 ).
Important: Mak e sur e spring w asher s
ar e installed cor r ectl y as sho wn in
Figur e 50 .
5. Install the dust cap ( Figure 50 ).
Figure 50
1. Spring Washers
3. Dust Cap
2. Lock Nut
Cooling System
Servicing the Cooling System
Discharge of hot pr essuriz ed coolant or
touching hot radiator and sur r ounding par ts
can cause sev er e bur ns.
Do not r emo v e the radiator cap when
the engine is hot. Al w ays allo w the
engine to cool at least 15 min utes or
until the radiator cap is cool enough to
touch without bur ning y our hand bef or e
r emo ving the radiator cap .
Do not touch radiator and sur r ounding
par ts that ar e hot.