Operator's Manual

5. Squeeze the ends of the hose clamps tog ether
and slide them a w a y from the filter ( Figure 43 ).
6. R emo v e the filter from the fuel lines .
7. Install a new filter and mo v e the hose clamps
close to the filter ( Figure 43 ).
8. Open the fuel shutoff v alv e .
Figure 43
1. Fuel shutoff valve 3. Hose clamp
2. Fuel lter 4. Fuel line
Servicing the Fuel Tank
In cer tain conditions, gasoline is extr emel y
flamma ble and highl y explosi v e. A fir e or
explosion fr om gasoline can bur n y ou and
other s and can dama ge pr oper ty .
Drain gasoline fr om the fuel tank when
the engine is cold. Do this outdoor s in
an open ar ea. W ipe up an y gasoline that
Nev er smok e when draining gasoline,
and stay a w ay fr om an open flame or
wher e a spar k may ignite the gasoline
1. P ark the mac hine on a lev el surface to ensure
that the fuel tanks drain completely .
2. Diseng ag e the po w er tak eoff (PTO), set the
parking brak e , stop the engine , and remo v e
the k ey .
3. Close the fuel shutoff v alv e ( Figure 43 ).
4. Loosen the hose clamp at the fuel filter and
slide it up the fuel line a w a y from the fuel filter
( Figure 43 ).
5. Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel filter
( Figure 43 ).
6. Open the fuel shutoff v alv e and allo w the
g asoline to drain into a fuel container can or
drain pan.
Note: No w is the best time to install a new
fuel filter because the fuel tank is empty .
7. Install the fuel line onto the fuel filter . Slide
the hose clamp close to the fuel filter to secure
the fuel line ( Figure 43 ).
Electrical System
Servicing the Battery
Pr oposition 65 W ar ning
Batter y posts, ter minals, and r elated
accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals kno wn to the State of
Calif or nia to cause cancer and r epr oducti v e
har m. W ash hands after handling .
Batter y electr ol yte contains sulfuric acid
which is a deadl y poison and causes sev er e
bur ns.
Do not drink electr ol yte and a v oid contact
with skin, ey es or clothing . W ear safety
g lasses to shield y our ey es and r ub ber g lo v es
to pr otect y our hands.
Removing the Battery
Batter y ter minals or metal tools could shor t
a gainst metal machine components causing
spar ks. Spar ks can cause the batter y gasses
to explode, r esulting in per sonal injur y .
W hen r emo ving or installing the batter y ,
do not allo w the batter y ter minals to
touch an y metal par ts of the machine.
Do not allo w metal tools to shor t betw een
the batter y ter minals and metal par ts of
the machine.