Service Manual

5-36 Z Master 500 Gas Series Service Manual
16. Install the hose and clamp, located under the coolant
overow tank (Fig. 291).
17. Install two bolts and nuts securing the relays
connectors to the right side plate (Fig. 292). Plug the
two relays into the connectors.
Fig 291 DSC-2825
Fig 292 DSC-2818
14. Install the two bolts and nuts retaining the top and
bottom strap guard located on the right side (Fig.
289). Install the corresponding bolts and nuts on the
left side.
Fig 289 DSC-2823
15. Install the two bolts and nuts located on the right
side holding the top rib to the right side radiator
brace (Fig. 290). Install the corresponding bolts and
nuts on the left hand side. Tighten all of the bolts and
Fig 290 DSC-2819