Operator's Manual

Hy draulic fluid escaping under pr essur e can
penetrate skin and cause injur y .
If h y draulic fluid is injected into the skin
it must be surgicall y r emo v ed within a
few hour s by a doctor f amiliar with this
type of injur y . Gang r ene may r esult if
this is not done.
K eep body and hands a w ay fr om pin hole
leaks or nozzles that eject high pr essur e
h y draulic fluid.
Use cardboard or paper to find h y draulic
Safel y r eliev e all pr essur e in the h y draulic
system bef or e perf or ming an y w or k on
the h y draulic system.
Mak e sur e all h y draulic fluid hoses
and lines ar e in good condition and
all h y draulic connections and fittings
ar e tight bef or e appl ying pr essur e to
h y draulic system.
Setting the Hydraulic Pump
Neutral Position
Note: Adjust the handle neutral first. T hat needs
to be cor rect before the follo wing adjustment can
be made .
Mechanical or h y draulic jacks may f ail to
suppor t machine and cause a serious injur y .
Use jack stand when suppor ting
Do not use h y draulic jacks.
Engine must be r unning so motion contr ol
adjustment can be perf or med. Contact with
mo ving par ts or hot surf aces may cause
per sonal injur y .
K eep hands, feet, f ace, clothing and other
body par ts a w ay fr om r otating par ts, muf fler
and other hot surf aces.
T his adjustment m ust be made with dri v e wheels
tur ning .
1. Raise the frame and use jac k stands to hold up
the mac hine so dri v e wheels can rotate freely .
2. Unlatc h the seat, tilt the seat forw ard and
disconnect electrical connector from the seat
safety switc h.
3. T emporaril y install a jumper wire across
ter minals in the wiring har ness connector .
4. Slide the seat forw ard, disconnect the prop rod
and tilt the seat fully forw ard.
Setting the Right-hand Hydraulic
Pump Neutral Position
1. Star t the engine , open the throttle 1/2 w a y and
release parking brak e . R efer to Star ting and
Stopping the Engine in Operation , pag e 14 .
Note: T he motion control lev er m ust be in
neutral while making any adjustments .
2. Adjust the pump rod length b y rotating the
knob , in the appropriate direction, until the
wheel is still or slightly cree ping in rev erse
( Figure 55 ).