Operator's Manual

Figure 53
1. Hydraulic lter
4. Apply a thin coat h y dro fluid to the r ubber
g ask et on the re placement filter ( Figure 54 ).
Figure 54
1. Hydraulic lter 3. Adapter
2. Gasket
5. Install the re placement h y draulic filter onto the
filter adapter . Do not tighten.
6. Fill the h y draulic tank with h y draulic fluid until
the fluid o v erflo ws the filter and then tur n
the oil filter cloc kwise until the r ubber g ask et
contacts the filter adapter , then tighten the
filter an additional 1/2 tur n ( Figure 54 ).
7. Clean up any spilled fluid.
8. Add fluid to the cold lev el of the baffle in the
h y draulic tank.
9. Star t the engine and let it r un for about tw o
min utes to purg e air from the system. Stop
the engine and c hec k for leaks . If one or both
wheels will not dri v e , refer Bleeding Hy draulic
10. R ec hec k the fluid lev el while the fluid is w ar m.
T he fluid should be betw een cold and hot.
11. If required, add fluid to the h y draulic tank. Do
not o v erfill.
Bleeding the Hydraulic
T he traction system is self bleeding, ho w ev er , it
ma y be necessar y to bleed the system if fluid is
c hang ed or after w ork is perfor med on the system.
1. Raise rear of the mac hine so wheels are off the
g round and suppor t with jac k stands .
2. Star t the engine and r un at lo w idle speed.
Eng ag e the lev er and traction on one side and
spin the wheel b y hand.
3. W hen the wheel begins to spin on its o wn,
k ee p it eng ag ed until wheel dri v es smoothly .
(minim um 2 min utes)
4. Chec k h y draulic fluid lev el and add as required
to maintain proper lev el.
5. R e peat this procedure on the opposite wheel.
Checking the Hydraulic
After ev er y 100 operating hours , c hec k the
h y draulic hoses for leaks , loose fittings , kink ed
lines , loose mounting suppor ts , w ear , w eather and
c hemical deterioration. Mak e necessar y re pairs
before operating .
Note: K ee p areas around the h y draulic system
clean from g rass and debris build up .