Operator's Manual

Figure 8
1. Safe Zone-use the Z Master
here on slopes less than
15 degrees or at areas.
3. Water
2. Use walk behind mower
and/or hand trimmer near
drop-offs and water.
T his machine pr oduces sound lev els in
ex cess of 85 dB A at the operator s ear and
can cause hearing loss thr ough extended
periods of exposur e.
W ear hearing pr otection when operating
this machine.
T he use of protecti v e equipment for eyes , ears ,
feet and head is recommended.
Figure 9
1. Warning— wear hearing protection
Operating the Parking
Alw a ys set the parking brak e when y ou stop the
mac hine or lea v e it unattended.
Setting the Parking Brake
1. Mo v e the motion control lev ers ( Figure 16 ) out
to the neutral loc k position.
2. Pull up and bac k on the parking brak e lev er to
set the parking brak e ( Figure 10 ). T he parking
brak e lev er should sta y fir mly in the eng ag ed
P ar king brak e may not hold machine
par k ed on a slope and could cause
per sonal injur y or pr oper ty dama ge.
Do not par k on slopes unless wheels ar e
chock ed or block ed
Releasing the Parking Brake
Push forw ard and do wn on the parking brak e
lev er to release the parking brak e ( Figure 10 ). T he
parking brak e is diseng ag ed and the lev er will rest
ag ainst the brak e stop .
Figure 10
1. Parking brake-ON 3. Brake Stop
2. Parking brake-OFF
Starting and Stopping the
Starting the Engine
1. Sit on the seat and mo v e the motion controls
to neutral loc k ed position.
2. Set the parking brak e; refer to Setting the
P arking Brak e .