Operator's Manual

Figure 26
4. Grease the idler pulley pi v ot (Fig . 38).
Engine Maintenance
Servicing the Air Cleaner
Ser vice the air cleaner elements as follo ws:
Primar y Filter : R e place after ev er y 250 operating
hours or more often in dusty conditions .
Safety Filter : R e place after ev er y 600 operating
hours .
Note: Chec k the filter more frequently (ev er y
few hours) if operating conditions are extremely
dusty or sandy .
Removing the Filters
1. Diseng ag e the PTO , mo v e the motion control
lev ers to the neutral loc k ed position and set
the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Clean around the air cleaner to prev ent dir t
from g etting into the engine and causing
damag e . R elease the latc hes on the air cleaner
and pull the air cleaner co v er off of the air
cleaner body ( Figure 27 ).
4. Clean the inside of the air cleaner co v er with
compressed air ( Figure 27 ).
5. Gently slide the primar y filter out of the air
cleaner body ( Figure 27 ). A v oid knoc king the
filter into the side of the body .
6. R emo v e the safety filter only if y ou intend
to re place it. Nev er attempt to clean the
safety filter . If the safety filter is dir ty , then
the primar y filter is damag ed and y ou should
re place both filters .
7. Inspect the primar y filter for damag e b y
looking into the filter while shining a bright
light on the outside of the filter . Holes in the
filter will appear as bright spots . If the filter
is damag ed discard it.
Figure 27
1. Air lter body 4. Air cleaner cover
2. Safety lter 5. Latch
3. Primary lter
Servicing the Primary Air Filter
Do not clean the primar y filter . R e place it after
250 operating hours .
Servicing the Safety Air Filter
R e place it after 600 operating hours .
Important: Nev er attempt to clean the
safety filter . If the safety filter is dir ty , then
the primar y filter is dama ged and y ou should
r eplace both filter s.
Installing the Filters
Important: T o pr ev ent engine dama ge,
al w ays operate the engine with both air filter s
and co v er installed.
1. If installing new filters , c hec k eac h filter for
shipping damag e . Do not use a damag ed filter .
( Figure 27 ).