Operator's Manual

Possible Cause Corrective Action
1. Blade control (PTO) is
1. Move blade contro (PTO)
to disengaged.
2. Parking brake is not on. 2. Set the parking brake.
3. Operator is not seated. 3. Sit on the seat.
4. Battery is dead. 4. Charge the battery.
5. Electrical connections
are corroded or loose.
5. Check the electrical
connections for good
6. Fuse is blown. 6. Replace fuse.
Starter does not crank
7. Relay or switch is
7. Contact an Authorized
Service Dealer.
1. Fuel tank is empty. 1. Fill fuel tank with fuel.
2. Air cleaner is dirty. 2. Clean or replace the air
cleaner element.
3. Dirt in the fuel lter. 3. Replace the fuel lter.
Engine will not start, starts
hard, or fails to keep
4. Dirt, water, or stale fuel
is in the fuel system.
4. Contact an Authorized
Service Dealer.
1. Engine load is excessive. 1. Reduce the ground
2. Air cleaner is dirty. 2. Clean the air cleaner
3. Oil level in the crankcase
is low.
3. Add oil to the crankcase.
4. Cooling ns and air
passages above the
engine are plugged.
4. Remove the obstruction
from the cooling ns and
air passages.
5. Vent hole in the fuel cap
is plugged.
5. Clean or replace the fuel
6. Dirt in the fuel lter. 6. Replace the fuel lter.
Engine loses power.
7. Dirt, water, or stale fuel
is in the fuel system.
7. Contact an Authorized
Service Dealer.
1. Engine load is excessive. 1. Reduce the ground
2. Oil level in the crankcase
is low.
2. Add oil to the crankcase.
Engine overheats.
3. Cooling ns and air
passages above the
engine are plugged.
3. Remove the obstruction
from the cooling ns and
air passages.