Operator's Manual

1. Diseng ag e the po w er tak e off (PTO), set the
parking brak e and tur n the ignition k ey to off .
R emo v e spark plug wire . R emo v e the k ey .
2. R emo v e g rass clippings , dir t, and g rime from
the exter nal par ts of the entire mac hine ,
especially the engine and h y draulic system.
Clean dir t and c haff from the outside of the
engine’ s cylinder head fins and blo w er housing .
Important: Y ou can w ash the machine
with mild detergent and w ater . Do
not pr essur e w ash the machine. A v oid
ex cessi v e use of w ater , especiall y near the
contr ol panel, engine, h y draulic pumps
and motor s.
3. Ser vice the air cleaner; refer to Ser vicing the
Air Cleaner in Engine Maintenance , pag e 33 .
4. Grease and oil the mac hine; refer to Greasing
and Lubrication in Lubrication , pag e 31 .
5. Chang e the crankcase oil; refer to Ser vicing the
Engine Oil in Engine Maintenance , pag e 33 .
6. Chang e the h y draulic filter; refer to
Ser vicing the Hy draulic System in
Hy draulic System Maintenance , pag e 46 .
7. Chec k the tire pressure; refer to Chec king the
Tire Pressure in Dri v e System Maintenance ,
pag e 39 .
8. Charg e the batter y; refer to Ser vicing the
Batter y in Electrical System Maintenance ,
pag e 37 .
9. Scrape any hea vy buildup of g rass and dir t
from the underside of the mo w er , then w ash
the mo w er with a g arden hose .
Note: R un the mac hine with the PTO
eng ag ed and the engine at high idle for 2 to 5
min utes after w ashing .
10. Chec k the condition of the blades . R efer to
Ser vicing the Cutting Blades .
11. Pre pare the mac hine for storag e when non-use
occurs o v er 30 da ys . Pre pare mac hine for
storag e as follo ws .
A. Add a petroleum based
stabilizer/conditioner to fuel in the
tank. F ollo w mixing instr uctions from
stabilizer man ufacture . Do not use
an alcohol based stabilizer (ethanol or
Note: A fuel stabilizer/conditioner is
most effecti v e when mix ed with fresh
g asoline and used at all times .
B . R un engine to distribute conditioned fuel
through the fuel system (5 min utes).
C . Stop engine , allo w to cool and drain the
fuel tank; refer to Ser vicing the Fuel T ank
in Fuel System Maintenance , pag e 36 .
D . R estar t engine and r un it until it stops .
E. Chok e the engine . Star t and r un engine
until it will not star t.
F . Dispose of fuel properly . R ecycle as per
local codes .
Important: Do not stor e
sta biliz er/conditioned gasoline o v er
90 days.
12. R emo v e the spark plug(s) and c hec k its
condition; refer to Ser vicing the Spark Plug in
Engine Maintenance , pag e 33 . With the spark
plug(s) remo v ed from the engine , pour tw o
tablespoons of engine oil into the spark plug
hole . No w use the star ter to crank the engine
and distribute the oil inside the cylinder . Install
the spark plug(s). Do not install the wire on
the spark plug(s).
13. Chec k and tighten all bolts , n uts , and screws .
R e pair or re place any par t that is damag ed or
defecti v e .
14. P aint all scratc hed or bare metal surfaces . P aint
is a v ailable from y our A uthorized Ser vice
Dealer .
15. Store the mac hine in a clean, dr y g arag e or
storag e area. R emo v e the k ey from the ignition
switc h and k ee p it out of reac h of c hildren or
other unauthorized users . Co v er the mac hine
to protect it and k ee p it clean.