Operator's Manual

Carefully release pressure from components
with stored energ y .
Disconnect batter y or remo v e spark plug wire
before making any re pairs . Disconnect the
neg ati v e ter minal first and the positi v e last.
R econnect positi v e first and neg ati v e last.
Use care when c hec king blades . W rap the
blade(s) or w ear glo v es , and use caution when
ser vicing them. Only re place blades . Nev er
straighten or w eld them.
K ee p hands and feet a w a y from mo ving par ts .
If possible , do not mak e adjustments with the
engine r unning .
Charg e batteries in an open w ell v entilated
area, a w a y from spark and flames . Unplug
c harg er before connecting or disconnecting
from batter y . W ear protecti v e clothing and use
insulated tools .
K ee p all par ts in g ood w orking condition and
all hardw are tightened. R e place all w or n or
damag ed decals .
Use only T oro appro v ed attac hments .
W ar ranty ma y be v oided if used with
unappro v ed attac hments .