Service Manual

5xi Series Tractor Hydraulic Service Manual 5 - 3
A test for observing transmission system
performance under load can be helpful when
checking a “low power”, or “tractor loses power”
1. Operate tractor to bring engine and drive
train to normal operating temperature.
2. Anchor rear of tractor to an immovable
object (tree, beam, etc.) with a chain secured
to transaxle case. Rear wheels must be on a
high friction surface, such as unfinished
concrete or asphalt. Front wheels may be
placed against a curb or wall as an
alternative, but provision must be made to
keep front of tractor on ground.
3. With transaxle in high range, set engine at
half throttle and move the motion control
pedal fully forward. The tractor should have
enough power to spin the rear wheels with
an operator in seat.
4. If the wheels do not spin, carefully note
transmission/transaxle performance to
isolate the problem.
5. If the test results are marginal, the tractor
should be used under actual operating
conditions to isolate the problem.
Testing System Performance