Operator's Manual

4. R emo v e the right side panel for clearance when
remo ving batter y Figure 43 ).
R emo v e the screws and lift up the panel to clear the
pin and slide panel tabs out from the steering to w er .
Figure 43
1. Battery
4. Pin
2. Side panel tabs 5. Right side panel
3. Screw
5. Disconnect the neg ati v e (blac k) g round cable from
the batter y post ( Figure 44 ).
Figure 44
1. Negative cable
4. Rubber cover (red)
2. Nut
5. Positive cable
3. Bolt 6. Battery hold down strap
6. Lift the red co v er up from the positi v e cable .
Disconnect the positi v e cable (red co v er) from the
batter y post ( Figure 44 ).
7. R emo v e the batter y hold do wn strap ( Figure 44 ).
R emo v e batter y from the tractor .
Installing the Battery
1. Install the batter y into the tractor ( Figure 43 ).
2. Secure batter y with hold do wn strap ( Figure 44 ).
3. Using the bolt and n ut, connect the positi v e
(red co v er) cable to the positi v e (+) batter y post
( Figure 44 ). Slide the r ubber co v er o v er the batter y
4. Using the bolt and n ut, connect the neg ati v e (blac k)
cable to the neg ati v e (-) batter y post ( Figure 44 ).
5. Install the right side panel b y sliding tabs into
steering to w er and inser ting pin into flang e of
footrest. Secure with screws ( Figure 43 ).
Checking the Electrolyte Level
1. With the engine off , open the hood to locate the
batter y .
2. Look at the side of the batter y . T he electrolyte
m ust be up to the upper line . Do not allo w the
electrolyte to g et belo w the lo w er line ( Figure 45 ).
Figure 45
1. Filler caps 3. Lower line
2. Upper line
3. If the electrolyte is lo w , add the required amount
of distilled w ater; refer to Adding W ater to the
Batter y in .
Batter y electr ol yte contains sulfuric acid
which is a deadl y poison and causes sev er e
bur ns.
Do not drink electr ol yte and a v oid
contact with skin, ey es or clothing . W ear
safety g lasses to shield y our ey es and
r ob ber g lo v es to pr otect y our hands.
Fill the batter y wher e clean w ater is
al w ays a v aila ble f or flushing the skin.
F ollo w all instr uctions and compl y with
all safety messa ges on the electr ol yte
container .