Operator's Manual

Figure 41
1. Bulb holder 4. Slots
2. Reector 5. Terminals
3. Tabs
Installing the Bulb
1. T he bulb has metal pins on the side of its base .
Align the pins with the slots in the bulb holder and
inser t the base into the holder ( Figure 42 ). Push
and rotate the bulb cloc kwise until it stops .
Figure 42
1. Bulb 3. Bulb holder
2. Metal pins 4. Slots
2. T he bulb holder has tw o tabs ( Figure 41 ). Align
the tabs with the slots in the reflector , inser t the
bulb holder into the reflector and rotate it 1/4 tur n
cloc kwise until it stops .
3. Push the wire connectors onto the ter minals on
the bulb holder .
Servicing the Battery
Pr oposition 65 W ar ning
Batter y posts, ter minals, and r elated accessories
contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals
kno wn to the State of Calif or nia to cause cancer
and r epr oducti v e har m. W ash hands after
handling .
Alw a ys k ee p the batter y clean and fully c harg ed. Use
a paper to w el to clean the batter y case . If the batter y
ter minals are cor roded, clean them with a solution
of four par ts w ater and one par t baking soda. Apply
a light coating of g rease to the batter y ter minals to
prev ent cor rosion.
V oltag e: 12 v , 260 Cold Cranking Amps
Removing the Battery
Batter y ter minals or metal tools could shor t
a gainst metal tractor components causing
spar ks. Spar ks can cause the batter y gasses to
explode, r esulting in per sonal injur y .
W hen r emo ving or installing the batter y , do
not allo w the batter y ter minals to touch an y
metal par ts of the tractor .
Do not allo w metal tools to shor t betw een
the batter y ter minals and metal par ts of the
tractor .
Incor r ect batter y ca ble r outing could dama ge
the tractor and ca bles causing spar ks. Spar ks
can cause the batter y gasses to explode,
r esulting in per sonal injur y .
Al w ays disconnect the negati v e (black)
batter y ca ble bef or e disconnecting the
positi v e (r ed) ca ble.
Al w ays r econnect the positi v e (r ed) batter y
ca ble bef or e r econnecting the negati v e
(black) ca ble.
1. Diseng ag e the PTO and set the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for all
mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the operating
3. Open the hood and locate the batter y .