Operator's Manual

4. R oute the seat switc h wire and connector through
the center opening in the seat base . Push the
seat switc h connector fully into the wire har ness
connector ( Figure 4 ).
5. Secure the seat switc h wire cable to the fender
opening ( Figure 4 ).
Activating and Installing the
Parts needed for this step:
Bolt, 1/4 x 3/4 inch
Hex Nut, 1/4 inch
Bulk electrolyte with 1.265 specific g ra vity m ust be
purc hased from a local batter y supply outlet.
Batter y electr ol yte contains sulfuric acid which
is a deadl y poison and causes sev er e bur ns.
Do not drink electr ol yte and a v oid contact
with skin, ey es or clothing . W ear safety
g lasses to shield y our ey es and r ob ber g lo v es
to pr otect y our hands.
Fill the batter y wher e clean w ater is al w ays
a v aila ble f or flushing the skin.
F ollo w all instr uctions and compl y with all
safety messa ges on the electr ol yte container .
1. R emo v e the batter y from the tractor .
2. Clean the top of the batter y with a paper to w el.
Note: Nev er fill the batter y with electrolyte while
the batter y installed in the tractor . Electrolyte could
be spilled on other par ts and cause cor rosion.
3. R emo v e the v ent caps from the batter y ( Figure 5 ).
Figure 5
1. Filler caps 3. Lower line
2. Upper line
4. Slo wly pour electrolyte into eac h batter y cell until
the lev el is up to the upper line on the batter y case
( Figure 5 ).
Important: Do not o v erfill the batter y
because electr ol yte (sulfuric acid) can cause
sev er e cor r osion and dama ge to the chassis.
5. W ait fiv e to ten min utes after filling the batter y cells .
Add electrolyte , if necessar y , until the electrolyte
lev el is up to the upper line on the batter y case
( Figure 5 ).
6. Install the batter y filler caps .
Charging the batter y pr oduces gasses that
can explode.
Nev er smok e near the batter y and k eep
spar ks and flames a w ay fr om batter y .
Note: Mak e sure the v ent caps are installed in
the batter y .
7. Charg e the batter y for 1 hour at 10 amps or 2 hours
at 5 amps .
8. W hen the batter y is fully c harg ed, unplug the
c harg er from the electrical outlet, then disconnect
the c harg er leads from the batter y posts ( Figure 6 ).