Service Manual

4 - 18 260 Series Tractor Service Manual
5. Rotate the adjusting puck in both directions and
watch the axle direction. You want to adjust the
puck so it is set at the mid-point between forward
and reverse axle rotation. Make sure the axle is
not moving (Figure 168).
Figure 168
6. Once you are in neutral, hold the puck with an
adjustable wrench so it won’t move when you re-
tighten the Allen set screw (Figure 169).
Figure 169
7. Operate the foot control in forward and reverse
and allow the pedal to return to the neutral
position to test the adjustment.
8. Adjust the neutral switch bracket so there is
approximately 1/16” (1.6mm) between the bracket
and the arm that plunges the neutral switch with
the transaxle in neutral. Retighten the bolts.
Readjust as needed to eliminate creeping.
NOTE: You may not be able to eliminate creep
entirely, due to the narrow neutral zone of this
transaxle. In this case, adjust for the smallest amount
of reverse creep possible. Correctly adjusted, a very
light tap on the foot control pedal should be all that is
needed to stop the reverse creep.