Service Manual

5 - 6 260 Series Tractor Service Manual
Symptom: Unit Jumps Out of Gear
Symptom: Unit Can Not Be Shifted (or Difficult to Shift)
Symptom: Unit Does Not Drive
Possible Cause Remedies
Equipment clutch not disengaging Adjust clutch according to equipment instructions
Shifting washers in backwards Chamfered or rounded side of washer must be toward keys.
Improper fit of case cover Recheck positioning of thrust washers. A misplacement or
omission of washers can cause binding.
Shifting keys broken or damaged Replace keys and check unit for other damage.
Chamfer on shift gear on wrong side Check that bevels on shifter gears are correct (fork
flanges should be toward each other). On 3 gear
cluster, small gear and medium gear chamfers go
down toward big gear.
Shifter stop assembled backwards Determine that notch in STOP aligns with shifter forks in
NEUTRAL position.
Gear improperly installed Review positioning of gearing.
Forks and rod assembly incorrectly installed Remove assembly. Recheck and correctly position parts.
Shifter/brake shaft keyway damaged Remove nicks and burrs from keyway.
Parts missing Install missing parts.
Possible Cause Remedies
Shifter lever improperly installed
Disassemble shifting lever and check for proper assembly.
Teeth of gears are worn beyond tolerances Replace worn gears.
Spring in shift fan weak or broken Replace Spring.
Attaching screws for shift lever and housing
assembly not properly torqued
Torque screws to 10 ft lb (13.6 Nm)
Shifter/brake shaft improperly assembled
Reassemble properly.
Keys weak or worn – shift gear damage
Replace keys/shift gear.
Shift lever bent and hitting unit frame Replace shift lever.
Shift rod worn Replace rods.
Constant mesh gears improperly installed
on counter shaft
Reposition gears.
Belt guides on engine/transmission/idler
assembly are out of adjustment
Adjust belt guides.
Possible Cause Remedies
Keys sheared in drive pulleys
Shift keys broken
Replace keys, check keyways and shift gears.
Broken input gear
Differential bevel gears broken
Stripped teeth on gears