Service Manual

Multi Pro 5800 Page 6 81 Electrical System
Fuel Pump (Diesel Engines Only)
Multi Pro 5800 machines with diesel engines include an
electric fuel pump attached to the machine frame near
the engine fuel injection pump (Fig. 117). The fuel pump
is energized when the ignition switch is set to the RUN/
PREHEAT position or the START position.
Because diesel fuel is highly flammable, use cau-
tion when handling it. Do not smoke while testing
the fuel pump. Do not test fuel pump while engine
is hot. Make sure that there is adequate ventila-
tion when testing. Always wipe up any spilled
fuel before starting the engine.
1. Park machine on a level surface, stop engine and en-
gage parking brake.
2. Disconnect wire harness electrical connector from
the fuel run/stop solenoid to prevent the engine from
starting (see Fuel Stop Solenoid in this section).
3. Disconnect fuel pump discharge hose from the fuel
4. Make sure fuel hoses attached to the fuel pump are
free of obstructions.
5. Place fuel pump discharge hose into a large, gradu-
ated cylinder sufficient enough to collect 1 quart (950
IMPORTANT: When testing the fuel pump, DO NOT
turn ignition switch to START.
6. Collect fuel in the graduated cylinder by turning igni-
tion switch to the RUN/PREHEAT position. Allow pump
to run for fifteen (15) seconds, then return switch to OFF.
7. The amount of fuel collected in the graduated cylin-
der should be approximately 16 fl oz (475 ml) after fif-
teen (15) seconds.
8. Replace fuel pump as necessary.
1. Fuel pump
2. Pump discharge hose
3. Fuel stop solenoid
Figure 117
9. Install disconnected fuel hose to the fuel filter.
10.Wipe up any spilled fuel and reconnect wire harness
electrical connector to the fuel stop solenoid.
11. Bleed fuel system (see Operator’s Manual).
12.Make sure that no fuel leaks exist before returning
machine to service.
Fuel Pump Specifications
Pump Capacity
64 fl oz/min (1.9 liters/min)
Pressure 7 PSI (48.3 kPa)
Current Draw 2.0 amp