Service Manual

Table Of Contents
Multi Pro 5800 Page 8 23 GeoLink Spray System
Setup Screen
The setup screen includes a series of submenus, op-
tion lists and wizards necessary to configure the entire
GeoLink spray system.
NOTE: Additional options and submenus appear or
disappear on screen as features are selected or dese-
Use the forward and backward arrows on the right and
left sides of each setup submenu to display the next or
the previous setup submenu
Use the Return Home icon at the lower left corner of the
setup screen and each setup submenu to return to the
operation screen.
The following outline is intended to illustrate the various
setup screen submenu locations and provide a brief
description of their usage. The setup screen with the Us-
er>Region>Language submenu selected is shown
(Fig. 25).
1. Return home icon
2. Previous setup submenu
3. Next setup submenu
4. First level submenus
5. Second level submenus
6. Third level submenus (when used)
7. Submenu details/selections
Figure 25