Operator's Manual

optim um perfor mance until sev eral hours of
use has caused the brak es to become bur nished
(brok en-in).
A v oid racing the engine .
V ar y the spra yer speed during operation. A v oid
fast star ts and quic k stops .
R efer to the Maintenance section for any
special lo w hour c hec ks .
Operating the Sprayer
T o operate the Multi-Pro Spra yer first fill the spra y
tank, then apply the solution to the w ork area,
and finally clean the tank. It is impor tant that y ou
complete all three of these ste ps in succession to
a v oid damaging the spra yer . F or example , do not
mix and add c hemicals in the spra y tank at night
and then spra y in the mor ning . T his w ould lead to
se paration of the c hemicals and possible damag e
to the spra yer components .
Chemicals ar e hazardous and can cause
per sonal injur y .
R ead the dir ections on the chemical
la bels bef or e handling the chemicals
and f ollo w all man uf actur er
r ecommendations and pr ecautions.
K eep chemicals a w ay fr om y our skin.
Should contact occur , w ash the af fected
ar ea thor oughl y with soap and clean
w ater .
W ear go g g les and an y other pr otecti v e
equipment r ecommended by the
chemical man uf actur er .
T he Multi-Pro Spra yer has been specifically
designed to ha v e high durability in order to gi v e it
the long spra yer life y ou need. Different materials
ha v e been c hosen for specific reasons at different
locations on y our spra yer to meet this g oal.
Unfor tunately there is no single material whic h is
perfect for all foreseeable applications .
Some c hemicals are more ag g ressi v e than others
and eac h c hemical interacts differently with v arious
materials . Some consistencies (e .g . w ettable
po w ders , c harcoal) are more abrasi v e and lead
to higher than nor mal w ear rates . If a c hemical
is a v ailable in a for m ulation that w ould pro vide
increased life to the spra yer , use this alter nati v e
for m ulation.
As alw a ys , remember to clean y our spra yer
thoroughly after all applications . T his will do the
most to ensure y our spra yer has a long and trouble
free life .
Filling the Fresh Water Tank
Alw a ys fill the fresh w ater tank with clean w ater
before handling or mixing any c hemicals .
T he fresh w ater tank is located at the front, left
side of the tank ( Figure 23 ). It supplies a source
of fresh w ater for y ou to w ash c hemicals off of
y our skin, eyes , or other surfaces in the case of
accidental exposure .
T o open the fresh w ater tank spig ot, tur n the lev er
on the spig ot.
Figure 23
1. Fresh water tank
3. Spigot
2. Filler cap
Filling the Spray Tank
Important: Ensur e that the chemicals y ou
will be using ar e compatible f or use with
V iton (see the man uf actur er’ s la bel; it should
indicate if it is not compatible). Using a
chemical that is not compatible with V iton will
deg rade the O-rings in the spray er , causing