Operator's Manual

Agitation Control Valve
T his v alv e is located on the right side of the tank
( Figure 18 ). T ur n the knob on the v alv e to the
9 o’cloc k position to tur n on the tank agitation
and to the 3 o’cloc k position to tur n off the tank
Figure 18
1. Agitation control valve
2. Pressure gauge
Note: F or agitation to w ork, the pump m ust
be on and the engine m ust be r unning abo v e an
idle . If y ou stop the spra yer and need agitation on,
place the rang e selector in the Neutral position, set
the parking brak e , press the accelerator pedal to
the floor , tur n the pump On and tur n the neutral
engine speed loc k On.
Pressure Gauge
T he pressure g aug e is located to the right of the
tank ( Figure 18 ). T his g aug e sho ws the pressure
of the fluid in the system in psi and kP a. Use the
g aug e to adjust the b y-pass v alv es whenev er y ou
c hang e nozzles .
Anti-siphon Fill Receptacle
T o the front of the tank co v er is a hose rece ptacle
with a threaded fitting, a 90 deg ree barbed fitting,
and a shor t hose whic h y ou can direct to w ard
the tank opening . T his rece ptacle allo ws y ou to
connect a w ater hose to it and fill the tank with
w ater without contaminating the hose with the
c hemicals in the tank.
Important: Do not lengthen the hose to
allo w contact with the tank fluids.