Operator's Manual

Pump Switch
T he pump switc h is located on the control panel
to the right of the seat ( Figure 16 ). T og gle this
switc h forw ard to r un the pump or rearw ard to
stop the pump .
Important: Onl y enga ge the pump s witch
when the engine is at lo w idle to a v oid
dama ging the pump dri v e.
Application Rate Switch
T he application rate switc h is located on the
control panel to the right of the seat Figure 16 ).
Press and hold the switc h forw ard to increase
the spra y system pressure , or press and hold it
rearw ard to decrease pressure .
Rate Lockout Key Switch
T he rate loc k out k ey switc h is located on the
control panel to the right of the seat ( Figure 16 ).
T ur n the k ey countercloc kwise to the loc k ed
position to disable the application rate switc h,
thereb y k ee ping any one from accidentally c hanging
the application rate . T ur n the k ey cloc kwise to the
unloc k ed position to enable the application rate
switc h.
Important: Do not attempt to mo v e the
range selector while the rate lock out k ey is
enga ged. F orcing the selector while mo ving
will dama ge lock out k ey components.
Boom Lift
T he boom lift switc hes are used to raise the left
and right boom respecti v ely .
Sonic Boom (Optional)
T he Sonic Boom switc h is a roc k er switc h used to
operate the Sonic Boom. T og gle switc h forw ard
for automatic , rearw ard for man ual and center for
Off .
Foam Marker Switch Locations
If y ou install the electric boom lift, sonic boom,
and foam mark er kit, y ou will add switc hes to the
control panel for controlling their operation. T he
spra yer comes with plastic plugs in these locations .
Rate Control Valve
T his v alv e , located behind the tank ( Figure 17 ),
controls the amount of fluid that is routed to the
booms b y directing fluid flo w to the booms or
the b ypass hose to the tank. Y ou can control this
v alv e in tw o w a ys: the application rate switc h or
man ually . T o control it man ually , y ou need to
disconnect the wire connector on the v alv e , then
y ou can rotate the knob on top of the v alv e to
man ually obtain the desired pressure .
Figure 17
1. Rate control valve 3. Boom valves
2. Flowmeter
T he flo wmeter measures the flo w rate of the fluid
for use b y the Spra y Pro™ system ( Figure 17 ).
Boom Valves
T hese v alv es tur n the three booms on or off
( Figure 17 ). If y ou do not ha v e a boom installed
or do not w ant a boom to be able to be tur ned
on, y ou can man ually operate eac h v alv e b y
disconnecting the wire connector in the v alv e , then
rotate the knob on the v alv e cloc kwise to tur n the
v alv e off or countercloc kwise to tur n it on.
Boom Bypass Valves
T he boom b ypass v alv es redirect the fluid flo w for
a boom to the tank when y ou tur n off the boom
section. Y ou can adjust these v alv es to ensure that
the boom pressure remains constant no matter
ho w many booms are on. R efer to Calibrating the
Boom Bypass V alv es , in the Operation section.