Service Manual

Pump Drive Electric Clutch
An electric clutch is used to engage and drive the spray-
er pump on the Multi Pro. Clutch operation is controlled
y the pump control switch located on the spray console.
The electric clutch is mounted on the pump drive gear-
box output shaft and is coupled to the spray pump. The
clutch engages when current is applied to the clutch.
1. Locate clutch on pump drive gearbox shaft. Unplug
clutch connector from machine wire harness (Fig. 21).
NOTE: Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter
, short the meter test leads together.
The meter will display a small resistance value (usually
0.5 ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal
of the meter and test leads. Subtract this val-
ue from from the measured value of the component you
are testing.
2. Using a multimeter (ohms setting), verify clutch coil
resistance between the two terminals of the connector
Resistance should be 2.45 ohms.
3. If clutch does not engage when voltage is applied or
coil resistance is incorrect, replace clutch.
4. See Pump Drive Electric Clutch in the Service and
Repairs section of Chapter 6 – Spray System if clutch re-
moval is necessary.
Figure 21
1. Electric clutch 2. Clutch connector
Electrical System
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Multi Pro 1200/1250