Operator's Manual

Figure 66
1. Hydraulic dipstick 2. Drain plug
4. Note the orientation of the h y draulic hose and
90° fitting connected to the strainer .
5. R emo v e the h y draulic hose and 90° fitting
( Figure 67 ).
Figure 67
1. Hydraulic strainer
3. 90° tting
2. O-ring
6. R emo v e the strainer and clean it b y bac k
flushing it with a clean deg reaser .
7. Allo w the strainer to air dr y .
8. Install the strainer when the oil is draining .
9. Install the h y draulic hose and 90° fitting to the
strainer .
10. Install and tighten the drain plug .
11. Fill the reser v oir with appro ximately 7.5 qt. of
Dexron IIl A TF .
Important: Use onl y the h y draulic fluids
specified. Other fluids could cause system
dama ge.
12. Star t the engine and dri v e the spra yer to fill
the h y draulic system. R ec hec k the oil lev el and
re plenish it, if required.
Replacing the Hydraulic
Initially , re place the h y draulic filter after 8 operating
hours , thereafter , re place filter ev er y 800 hours .
Use the T oro re placement filter (P ar t No .
Important: Use of an y other filter may v oid
the w ar ranty on some components.
1. P osition the spra yer on a lev el surface , set the
parking brak e , stop the pump , stop the engine ,
and remo v e the ignition k ey .
2. Clean the area around the filter mounting area.
3. Place a drain pan under the filter .
4. R emo v e the filter ( Figure 68 ).
Figure 68
1. Hydraulic lter 2. Gasket
5. Lubricate the new filter g ask et.
6. Ensure that the filter mounting area is clean.
7. Screw the filter on until the g ask et contacts the
mounting plate , then tighten the filter one-half
tur n.
8. Star t the engine and let it r un for about tw o
min utes to purg e air from the system. Stop the
engine and c hec k the h y draulic oil lev el and for
leaks .