Installation Instructions

Impr oper use or maintenance by the operator
or o wner can r esult in injur y . T o r educe the
potential f or injur y , compl y with these safety
instr uctions and al w ays pay attention to the
safety aler t symbol, which means CA UTION ,
W ARNING , or D ANGER-"per sonal safety
instr uction." F ailur e to compl y with the
instr uction may r esult in per sonal injur y or
R ead also the safety and operation instr uctions in
the v ehicle Operator’ s Manual .
Do not aim the hand spra yer at any person
or animal. Fluids under high pressure can
penetrate skin and cause sev ere injur y , possibly
resulting in amputation or death. Hot liquids
and c hemicals can also cause bur ns or injur y . If
any par t of the body comes in contact with the
spra y stream, immediately consult a ph ysician
familiar with injected fluid injuries .
Do not place y our hand or any other par t of
y our body in front of the spra y nozzle .
Do not lea v e the equipment under pressure
when y ou are not present.
Do not use the hand spra yer if the hose , trig g er
loc k, nozzle , or any other par t is damag ed or
missing .
Do not use the hand spra yer if there are
any leaks in any hoses , fittings , or other
components .
Do not spra y near po w er lines .
Do not dri v e while spra ying with a hand
spra yer .
W ear r ubber glo v es , safety g og gles , and a full
body protecti v e suit when spra ying c hemicals
with the hand spra yer .
Safety and Instructional Decals
Safety decals and instr uctions are easily visible to the operator and are located near any
area of potential dang er . R e place any decal that is damag ed or lost.
1. Boom spray
3. Continuous variable setting
2. Hand spray
1. Hose reel rewind; push to engage.