Setup Instructions
Checking the Hydraulic Oil
Level for Mowers with Hydro
No Parts Required
Before y ou star t the engine and use the mac hine ,
c hec k the h y draulic oil lev el in the tank; refer to
Chec king the Hy draulic Oil Lev el in the Operator’ s
Activating the Battery for
Mowers with Electric Start
Parts needed for this step:
Bulk electrolyte with 1.265 specic gravity
(Purchase from a battery supply outlet.)
Pr oposition 65 W ar ning
Batter y posts, ter minals, and r elated
accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals kno wn to the State of
Calif or nia to cause cancer and r epr oducti v e
har m. W ash hands after handling .
Batter y electr ol yte contains sulfuric acid
which is a deadl y poison and causes sev er e
bur ns.
Do not drink electr ol yte and a v oid contact
with skin, ey es or clothing . W ear safety
g lasses to shield y our ey es and r ub ber g lo v es
to pr otect y our hands.
Fill the batter y wher e clean w ater is al w ays
a v aila ble f or flushing the skin.
F ollo w all instr uctions and compl y with all
safety messa ges on the electr ol yte container .
1. R emo v e the batter y from the mac hine . R efer
to the Operator’ s Manual for instr uctions .
Important: Nev er fill the batter y with
electr ol yte while the batter y is installed on
the machine. Electr ol yte can be spilled on
other par ts and cause cor r osion.
2. Clean the top of the batter y and remo v e the
v ent caps ( Figure 6 ).
Figure 4
3. Slo wly pour electrolyte into eac h batter y cell
until the lev el is up to the upper line on the
batter y case .
Important: Do not o v erfill the batter y
because electr ol yte (sulfuric acid) can
cause sev er e cor r osion and dama ge to the