Service Manual

7-7Power Max Service Manual
Fig 091 DSC-0061
The square cut ring on the impeller shaft is not an oil
seal. It is a wiper ring that has a tendency to pull down
to the shaft when the shaft begins to turn. The bushing
next to the ring defl ects most of the oil that is thrown
towards that area. The loose fi t provides a vent for the
case (Fig. 091).
Fig 090 DSC-0028
9. Now inspect the worm and worm gear. If either
are damaged replace them both. When gears run
together, they develop wear patterns unique to the
two of them. Replacing only one gear will result in
early failure (Fig. 090).
Failure Analysis
Occasionally a drop of two of oil will get between the
bushing and ring. When the auger drive is disengaged,
the ring will relax and that oil might drip into the auger
housing. At this rate the machine can be used for several
years without any signifi cant oil loss. The yearly oil check
is more than adequate to compensate for this.
If there is a signifi cant amount of oil coming out of this
area, it would indicate that the gearbox has been at a
severe operating angle or the bushing is badly worn.
Oil on the bottom of the gearbox can result from a leak
on any part of the case. As there is no internal pressure,
any leaking oil runs down the side of the case and
collects on the bottom until there is enough to drip off.
The source of the leak can be diffi cult to see. Sprinkling
some powder on the outside of the gearbox will usually
show the oil trail. The type of powder used is not
important. Just something that will stick to the oil.
When you open a gearbox that has had the gears
fail, the remaining oil will likely appear as a small
puddle of very thick grease in the bottom. Worm gears
normally create friction due to their sliding action. When
something goes wrong, not enough oil, poor quality oil, a
problem with the gears, or just a gear or bearing wearing
out, the friction becomes abnormally high. The remaining
oil is cooked down to a very thick residue. This can be
the result of a failure, not the cause.