Operator's Manual
Note: Mo ving the Z-fitting to a hole closer to the
spring decreases the g ap betw een the control bar
brac k et and the handle; mo ving it to a hole far ther from
the spring increases the g ap .
4. Install the spring co v er o v er the cable adjuster .
5. Hook the spring end into the hole in the center of the
control bar brac k et.
6. Chec k the adjustment.
Note: After extended use , the dri v e belt ma y w ear and lose
its proper belt tension. If the dri v e belt slips (contin uously
squeals) under a hea vy load, increase the belt tension b y
inser ting the spring end into the other hole in the control
bar brac k et. T he belt ma y slip in w et conditions; to dr y out
the dri v e system, star t the rotor and operate it without a
load for 30 seconds . Adjust the g ap betw een the control bar
brac k et and the handle to 1/8 to 1/4 inc h (3 to 6 mm).
Adjusting the Traction Drive
Chec k the traction dri v e cable for proper adjustment initially ,
after the first operating hour , and then ann ually thereafter .
Checking the Traction Drive Cable
1. Squeeze the control bar ag ainst the right side of the
handle ( Figure 22 ).
Figure 22
2. Ensure that the distance betw een the pi v ot plate and the
wheel frame is 0 to 1/8 inc h (0 to 3 mm) ( Figure 23 ).
Figure 23
1. 0 to 1/8 inch (0 to 3 mm)
3. Wheel frame
2. Pivot plate
Important: If the pi v ot plate touches the wheel
frame bef or e the contr ol bar touches the handle,
the ca ble is too tight.
Adjusting the Traction Drive Cable
Unhook the Z-fitting from the pi v ot cable adjuster , and
inser t it into a different hole to obtain the proper g ap
betw een the pi v ot plate and the wheel frame ( Figure 24 ).
Figure 24
1. Z-tting 4. Pivot plate
2. Pivot cable adjuster 5. Wheel frame
3. 0 to 1/8 inch (0 to 3 mm) gap
Note: Mo ving the Z-fitting to a hole closer to the g round
decreases the g ap betw een the pi v ot plate and the wheel
frame; mo ving it to a hole far ther from the g round increases
the g ap .
Note: T he traction speed is fastest when the rotor blades
are new . If y ou w ant to reduce the traction speed, mo v e
the Z-fitting one hole far ther from the g round. T he g ap
betw een the pi v ot plate and the wheel frame will be about
1/4 inc h (6 mm).