Operator's Manual

Gasoline v apor s can explode.
Do not stor e gasoline mor e than 30 days.
Do not stor e the sno wthr o w er in an enclosur e
near an open flame.
Allo w the engine to cool bef or e storing it.
Preparing the Snowthrower
for Storage
1. On the last refueling of the year , add fuel stabilizer to
fresh fuel as directed b y the engine man ufacturer .
2. R un the engine for 10 min utes to distribute the
conditioned fuel through the fuel system.
3. Loosen the hose clamp that secures the fuel line to the
v alv e and slide the fuel line off the fuel shutoff v alv e .
4. Open the fuel shutoff v alv e and allo w the fuel to drain
out of the fuel tank into an appro v ed fuel container .
5. Install the fuel line onto the fuel shutoff v alv e and
secure it with a hose clamp .
6. R un the sno wthro w er until the engine stops from
r unning out of fuel.
7. Prime the engine and star t it ag ain.
8. Allo w the engine to r un until it stops . W hen y ou can no
long er star t the engine , it is sufficiently dr y .
9. Stop the engine and allo w it to cool.
10. R emo v e the ignition k ey .
11. Disconnect the spark plug wire .
12. R emo v e the spark plug, add 1 oz. (30 ml) of oil through
the spark plug hole , and pull the star ter rope slo wl y
sev eral times to distribute oil throughout the cylinder to
prev ent cylinder cor rosion during the off-season.
13. Loosely install the spark plug .
14. Dispose of any un used fuel properly . R ecycle it
according to local codes , or use it in y our automobile .
Note: Do not store stabilized fuel for more than
90 da ys .
15. Clean the sno wthro w er thoroughly .
16. Tighten all loose screws , bolts , and loc kn uts . R e pair or
re place any damag ed par ts .
Removing the Snowthrower
from Storage
1. R emo v e the spark plug and spin the engine rapidly using
the star ter to blo w the ex cess oil from the cylinder .
2. Install the spark plug b y hand and then tor que it to
15 ft-lb (20.4 N·m).
3. Connect the spark plug wire .
4. P erfor m the ann ual maintenance procedures as gi v en in
the R ecommended Maintenance Sc hedule .