Operator's Manual

Moving the Chute Deector
Hold the blue trig g er cap do wn and mo v e the Quic k Stic k
forw ard to lo w er the c hute deflector; mo v e it rearw ard to
raise the c hute deflector ( Figure 33 ).
Figure 33
Unclogging the Discharge
If the aug er/impeller is r unning but there is no sno w
coming out of the disc harg e c hute , the disc harg e c hute ma y
be clog g ed.
T o unclog the disc harg e c hute , sta y in the operating
position and release the left hand (traction) lev er . W hile
r unning the aug er/impeller , push do wn on the handles
to raise the front of the sno wthro w er a few inc hes
(centimeters) off the pa v ement. T hen lift the handles
quic kly to bump the front of the sno wthro w er on the
pa v ement. R e peat if necessar y until a stream of sno w
comes out the disc harg e c hute .
If y ou cannot unclog the disc harg e c hute b y bumping
the front of the sno wthro w er , stop the engine, w ait
f or all mo ving par ts to stop , and use the sno w
cleanout tool; nev er use y our hand.
Important: Unclo g ging the discharge chute
by bumping the fr ont of the sno wthr o w er on the
pa v ement may cause the skids to mo v e. Adjust the
skids and tighten the skid bolts secur el y .
Preventing Freeze-up
In sno wy and cold conditions , some controls and
mo ving par ts ma y freeze . Do not use ex cessi v e f orce
when tr ying to operate fr oz en contr ols. If y ou ha v e
difficulty operating any control or par t, star t the engine
and let it r un for a few min utes .
After using the sno wthro w er , let the engine r un for
a few min utes to prev ent mo ving par ts from freezing .
Eng ag e the aug er/impeller to clear any remaining sno w
from inside the housing . R otate the Quic k Stic k to
prev ent it from freezing . Stop the engine , w ait for all
mo ving par ts to stop , and remo v e all ice and sno w from
the sno wthro w er .
With the engine off , pull the recoil star ter handle sev eral
times to prev ent the recoil star ter from freezing up .
Operating Tips
W hen the sno wthr o w er is in operation, the impeller
and auger can r otate and cut of f or injur e hands and
Bef or e adjusting , cleaning , inspecting ,
tr oubleshooting , or r epairing the sno wthr o w er ,
stop the engine and w ait f or all mo ving par ts
to stop . Disconnect the wir e fr om the spar k
plug and k eep it a w ay fr om the plug to pr ev ent
someone fr om accidentall y star ting the engine.
R emo v e an obstr uction fr om the discharge
chute; r efer to Unclo g ging the Discharge Chute.
If necessar y , use the sno w cleanout tool, not
y our hands, to r emo v e an obstr uction fr om the
discharge chute.
Stay behind the handles and a w ay fr om
the discharge opening while operating the
sno wthr o w er .
K eep f ace, hands, feet, and an y other par t of y our
body or clothing a w ay fr om concealed, mo ving ,
or r otating par ts.
T he r otor blades can thr o w stones, toys, and other
f or eign objects and cause serious per sonal injur y to
the operator or to bystander s.
K eep the ar ea to be clear ed fr ee of all objects that
the r otor blades could pick up and thr o w .
K eep all childr en and pets a w ay fr om the ar ea
of operation.
Alw a ys set the throttle to the F ast position when
thro wing sno w .
If the engine slo ws do wn under a load or the wheels
slip , shift the sno wthro w er into a lo w er g ear .
If the front of the sno wthro w er rides up , shift the
sno wthro w er into a lo w er g ear . If the front contin ues to
ride up , lift up on the handles .