Operator's Manual

Figure 56
1. Charge pump cap 2. Socket head screw
6. T horoughly clean the area around eac h of the
c harg e pump housings .
7. T o prime the c harg e pump , loosen tw o hex
soc k et head capscrews ( Figure 56 ) 1-1/2 tur ns
only . Mak e sure engine is not r unning . Lift
c harg e pump housing upw ard and w ait for
a steady flo w of oil to flo w out from under
housing . R etighten capscrews . Do this for
both pumps .
Note: Hy draulic reser v oir can be pressurized
to up to 5 psi to speed this process .
8. If either dri v e wheel still does not rotate , stop
and re peat ste ps 4 and 5 on the respecti v e
pump . If wheels rotate slo wly , the system
ma y prime after additional r unning . R ec hec k
h y draulic fluid lev el.
9. Allo w unit to r un sev eral min utes after the
c harg e pumps are primed with dri v e system in
the full speed position.
10. Chec k the h y dro control linkag e adjustment.
R efer to Adjusting the Hy dro Control Linkag es .
Checking the Hydraulic Lines
After ev er y 100 operating hours , c hec k h y draulic
lines and hoses for leaks , loose fittings , kink ed
lines , loose mounting suppor ts , w ear , w eather and
c hemical deterioration. Mak e necessar y re pairs
before operating .
Note: K ee p areas around h y draulic system clean
from g rass and debris build up .
Hy draulic fluid escaping under pr essur e can
penetrate skin and cause injur y .
If h y draulic fluid is injected into the skin
it must be surgicall y r emo v ed within a
few hour s by a doctor f amiliar with this
type of injur y . Gang r ene may r esult if
this is not done.
K eep body and hands a w ay fr om pin hole
leaks or nozzles that eject high pr essur e
h y draulic fluid.
Use cardboard or paper to find h y draulic
Safel y r eliev e all pr essur e in the h y draulic
system bef or e perf or ming an y w or k on
the h y draulic system.
Mak e sur e all h y draulic fluid hoses
and lines ar e in good condition and
all h y draulic connections and fittings
ar e tight bef or e appl ying pr essur e to
h y draulic system.
Mower Deck
Servicing the Cutting Blades
T o ensure a superior quality of cut, k ee p the
blades shar p . F or con v enient shar pening and
re placement, y ou ma y w ant to k ee p extra blades
on hand.
A w or n or dama ged blade can br eak, and a
piece of the blade could be thr o wn into the
operator’ s or bystander’ s ar ea, r esulting in
serious per sonal injur y or death.
Inspect the blade periodicall y f or w ear
or dama ge.
R eplace a w or n or dama ged blade.