Operator's Manual
Changing the Oil Filter
R e place the oil filter ev er y 200 operating hours or
ev er y other oil c hang e .
Note: Chang e the oil filter more frequently when
the operating conditions are extremely dusty or
sandy .
1. Drain the oil from the engine; refer to
Changing the Engine Oil.
2. R emo v e the old filter ( Figure 28 ).
Figure 28
1. Oil lter 2. Adapter
3. Apply a thin coat of new oil to the r ubber
g ask et on the re placement filter ( Figure 28 ).
4. Install the re placement oil filter to the filter
adapter , tur n the oil filter cloc kwise until
the r ubber g ask et contacts the filter adapter ,
then tighten the filter an additional 3/4 tur n
( Figure 28 ).
5. Fill the crankcase with the proper type of new
oil; refer to Ser vicing the Engine Oil.
6. R un the engine for about 3 min utes , stop the
engine , and c hec k for oil leaks around the oil
filter and drain v alv e .
7. Chec k the engine oil lev el and add oil if needed.
Servicing the Spark Plugs
Service Interval/Specication
Chec k the spark plugs after ev er y 100 operating
hours .
Ensure that the air g ap betw een the center and
side electrodes is cor rect before installing the spark
plug . Use a spark plug wrenc h for remo ving and
installing the spark plugs and a g apping tool/feeler
g aug e to c hec k and adjust the air g ap . Install a new
spark plugs if necessar y .
T ype: Champion® R CJ8Y or equi v alent Air Gap:
0.030 inc h (0.75 mm)
Removing the Spark Plugs
1. Diseng ag e the PTO and set the parking brak e .
2. Stop the engine , remo v e the k ey , and w ait for
all mo ving par ts to stop before lea ving the
operating position.
3. Disconnect the wires from the spark plugs
( Figure 29 ).
Figure 29
1. Spark-plug wire/spark plug
4. Clean around the spark plugs to prev ent dir t
from falling into the engine and potentially
causing damag e .
5. R emo v e the spark plugs and the metal w ashers .
Checking the Spark Plugs
1. Look at the center of the spark plugs
( Figure 30 ). If y ou see light bro wn or g ra y on
the insulator , the engine is operating properly .
A blac k coating on the insulator usually means
that the air cleaner is dir ty .
2. If needed, clean the spark plug with a wire
br ush to remo v e carbon de posits .