Service Manual

Groundsmaster 4500D/4700DPage 3 10Yanmar Diesel Engine
Soot Accumulation
If the types of regeneration that are performed automatically (while the machine is operating) are bypassed or not
allowed to complete before shutting off the engine, soot will continue to accumulate in the soot filter. When enough
soot accumulates, the engine ECU will generate an engine fault to prompt a parked or recovery regeneration. In addi-
tion to an engine fault appearing on the InfoCenter, the engine output power will be reduced.
Soot Accumulation Engine Faults
Fault Level Fault Code
Engine Power Rating Recommended Action
Level 1: Engine Warning
Level 2: Engine Warning
De-rated to 85%
De-rated to 50%
Perform a parked
regeneration as soon
as possible.
Perform a recovery
regeneration as soon
as possible.
Ash Accumulation
Ash is a result of the regeneration processes. The lighter ash is discharged through the exhaust system, while the
heavier ash collects in the soot filter. When enough ash accumulates in the soot filter, the engine ECU will generate
an engine fault to prompt servicing the DPF. In addition to an engine fault appearing on the InfoCenter, the engine
output power and speed will be reduced.
Ash Accumulation Advisories and Engine Faults
Fault Level Fault Code
Engine Power
Recommended Action
Level 1: Engine
Level 2: Engine
De-rated to 50%
De-rated to 85%
Plan to service the
DPF in the future.
Service DPF
Engine Speed
System Advisory
(machine software
1206373A thru
M only)
De-rated to 50%
Level 3: Engine
Maximum torque
+200 rpm
Service DPF
Service DPF