Operator's Manual

appro ximately 5:00 to 7:00 when view ed from
the end.
6. R eset the indicator ( K uv a 27 ) if it sho ws red.
Servicing the Engine Oil and
Chang e the oil and filter initially after the first 50
hours of operation; thereafter c hang e the oil and
filter ev er y 150 hours .
1. R emo v e the rear drain plug ( K uv a 31 ) and let
the oil flo w into a drain pan. W hen the oil
stops , install the drain plug .
Kuva 31
1. Engine oil drain plug
2. R emo v e the oil filter ( K uv a 32 ). Apply a light
coat of clean oil to the new filter seal before
screwing it on. Do not o v er tighten.
Kuva 32
1. Engine oil lter
3. Add oil to the crankcase; refer to Chec king the
Engine Oil in K äyttö , si vu 20 .
Adjusting the Throttle
Adjust the throttle cable ( K uv a 33 ) so that the
g o v er nor lev er on the engine contacts the lo w
and high speed set bolts before the throttle lev er
contacts the slot in the seat base .
Kuva 33
1. Throttle cable
Under cer tain conditions, diesel fuel and fuel
v apor s ar e highl y flamma ble and explosi v e.
A fir e or explosion fr om fuel can bur n y ou
and other s and can cause pr oper ty dama ge.
Use a funnel and fill the fuel tank
outdoor s, in an open ar ea, when the
engine is of f and is cold. W ipe up an y
fuel that spills.
Do not fill the fuel tank completel y full.
Add fuel to the fuel tank until the lev el
is 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to 13 mm) belo w the
bottom of the filler neck. T his empty
space in the tank allo ws the fuel to
Nev er smok e when handling fuel, and
stay a w ay fr om an open flame or wher e
fuel fumes may be ignited by a spar k.
Stor e fuel in a clean, safety -appr o v ed
container and k eep the cap in place.