Operator's Manual

T herefore , allo w the traction pedal to mo v e
bac kw ard as the engine RPM decreases , and
de press the pedal slo wly as the RPM increases . By
comparison, when dri ving from one w ork area to
another , with no load and cutting unit raised, ha v e
the throttle in the F ast position and de press the
traction pedal slo wly but fully to attain maxim um
g round speed.
Another c haracteristic to consider is the operation
of the pedals that are connected to the brak es .
T he brak es can be used to assist in tur ning the
mac hine . Ho w ev er , use them carefully , especially
on soft or w et g rass because the turf ma y be
tor n accidentally . Another benefit of the brak es
is to maintain traction. F or example , in some
slope conditions , the uphill wheel slips and loses
traction. If this situation occurs , de press the
uphill tur n pedal g radually and inter mittently until
the uphill wheel stops slipping, thus , increasing
traction on the do wnhill wheel.
Use extra care when operating the mac hine on
slopes . Mak e sure that the seat latc h is properly
secured and the seat belt is buc kled. Dri v e slo wly
and a v oid shar p tur ns on slopes to prev ent roll
o v ers . F or steering control, the cutting unit m ust
be lo w ered when g oing do wnhill.
T his pr oduct is designed to dri v e objects
into the g r ound wher e they lose energ y
quickl y in g rass ar eas. Ho w ev er , car eless
operation, combined with ter rain ang le,
ricochets, or impr oper l y positioned safety
guard can lead to thr o wn object injuries.
W hen a per son or pet appear s suddenl y
in or near the mo wing ar ea, stop mo wing .
Do not r esume mo wing until the ar ea is
clear ed.
Tärkeää: Allo w engine to idle f or 5 min utes
bef or e shutting it of f after a full load operation.
T his allo ws the turbo charger to cool do wn
bef or e shutting the engine of f. F ailur e to do so
may lead to turbo -charger tr ouble.
Before stopping the engine , diseng ag e all controls
and mo v e the throttle to Slo w . Mo ving the throttle
to Slo w reduces high engine RPM, noise , and
vibration. T ur n the k ey to Off to stop the engine .
Standard Control Module
T he Standard Control Module is a "potted"
electronic device produced in a "one size fits all"
configuration. T he module uses solid state and
mec hanical components to monitor and control
standard electrical features required for safe
product operation.
T he module monitors inputs including neutral,
parking brak e , PTO , star t, bac klap , and high
temperature . T he module energizes outputs
including PTO , Star ter , and ETR (energize to r un)
T he module is di vided into inputs and outputs .
Inputs and outputs are identified b y g reen LED
indicators mounted on the printed circuit board.
T he star t circuit input is energized b y 12 VDC .
All other inputs are energized when the circuit is
closed to g round. Eac h input has a LED that is
illuminated when the specific circuit is energized.
Use the input LED’ s for switc h and input circuit
troubleshooting .
Output circuits are energized b y an appropriate
set of input conditions . T he three outputs include
PTO , ETR, and ST AR T . Output LED’ s monitor
rela y condition indicating the presence of v oltag e
at one of three specific output ter minals .
Output circuits do not deter mine output device
integ rity so electrical troubleshooting includes
output LED inspection and con v entional device
and wire har ness integ rity testing . Measure
disconnected component impedance , impedance
through wire har ness (disconnect at SCM), or
b y temporarily "test energizing" the specific
T he SCM does not connect to an exter nal
computer or hand held device , can not be
re -prog rammed, and does not record inter mittent
fault troubleshooting data.
T he decal on the SCM only includes symbols .
T hree LED output symbols are sho wn in the
output bo x. All other LED’ s are inputs . K uv a 16
identifies the symbols .