Operator's Manual
Kuva 4
1. Traction pedal 5. Charge indicator
2. Forward speed control 6. Engine coolant
temperature warning
3. Key switch 7. Glow plug indicator light
4. Engine oil pressure warning
Charge Indicator
T he c harg e indicator ( K uv a 4 ) illuminates when
the system c harging circuit malfunctions .
Engine Coolant Temperature Warning
T he light ( K uv a 4 ) illuminates and the engine shuts
do wn when coolant reac hes an ex cessi v ely high
temperature .
Glow Plug Indicator Light
W hen lit, the glo w plug indicator light ( K uv a 4 )
indicates that the glo w plugs are on.
Speed Limiter Screws
Adjust the screw(s) ( K uv a 5 ) to limit the amount
the traction pedal can be de pressed in the forw ard
or rev erse direction to limit speed.
Tärkeää: T he speed limiter scr ew must stop
the traction pedal bef or e the pump r eaches
full str ok e or dama ge to the pump may occur .
Kuva 5
1. Forward speed limiter
2. Reverse speed limiter screw
Brake Pedals
T w o foot pedals ( K uv a 6 ) operate indi vidual wheel
brak es for tur ning assistance , parking, and to
aid in obtaining better side hill traction. A latc h
connects the pedals for parking brak e operation
and transpor t.
Kuva 6
1. Brake pedals 3. Parking brake latch
2. Pedal locking latch
Pedal Locking Latch
T he pedal loc king latc h ( K uv a 6 ) connects the
pedals tog ether to eng ag e the parking brak e .
Parking Brake Latch
A knob on the left side of the console actuates
the parking brak e loc k ( K uv a 6 ). T o eng ag e the
parking brak e , connect the pedals with the loc king
latc h, push do wn on both pedals , and pull the
parking brak e latc h out. T o release the parking
brak e , de press both pedals until the parking brak e
latc h retracts .