Operator's Manual

Traction Unit
1. T horoughly clean the traction unit, cutting
units , and the engine .
2. Chec k the tire pressure; refer to Chec king the
Tire Pressure in Operation , pag e 20 .
3. Chec k all fasteners for looseness; tighten as
necessar y .
4. Grease or oil all g rease fittings and pi v ot points .
Wipe up any ex cess lubricant.
5. Lightly sand and use touc h-up paint on painted
areas that are scratc hed, c hipped, or r usted.
R e pair any dents in the metal body .
6. Ser vice the batter y and cables as follo ws:
A. R emo v e the batter y ter minals from the
batter y posts .
B . Clean the batter y , ter minals , and posts with
a wire br ush and baking soda solution.
C . Coat the cable ter minals and batter y posts
with Grafo 112X skin-o v er g rease (T oro
P ar t No . 505-47) or petroleum jelly to
prev ent cor rosion.
D . Slo wly rec harg e the batter y ev er y 60 da ys
for 24 hours to prev ent lead sulfation of
the batter y .
1. Drain the engine oil from the oil pan and
install the drain plug .
2. R emo v e and discard the oil filter . Install a new
oil filter .
3. R efill the oil pan with 8 qt. (7.6 l) of SAE
15W -40 CH-4, CI-4, higher motor oil.
4. Star t the engine and r un it at idle speed for
appro ximately tw o min utes .
5. Stop the engine .
6. Flush the fuel tank with fresh, clean diesel fuel.
7. Secure all of the fuel system fittings .
8. T horoughly clean and ser vice the air cleaner
assembly .
9. Seal the air cleaner inlet and the exhaust outlet
with w eather proof tape .
10. Chec k the anti freeze protection and add
a 50/50 solution of w ater and eth ylene
glycol anti-freeze as needed for the expected
minim um temperature in y our area.