Operator's Manual

input LED’ s to ensure it matc hes the logic
c har t.
If the input LED’ s are cor rect, c hec k the output
LED . If the output LED is illuminated but
the device is not energized, measure a v ailable
v oltag e at the output device , contin uity of the
disconnected device , and potential v oltag e on
the g round circuit (floating g round). R e pairs
will v ar y de pending on y our findings .
Operating Tips
Mow When Grass is Dry
Mo w either in the late mor ning to a v oid the dew ,
whic h causes g rass clumping, or in late after noon
to a v oid the damag e that can be caused b y direct
sunlight on the sensiti v e , freshly mo w ed g rass .
Select the Proper Height-of-Cut
Setting to Suit Conditions
R emo v e appro ximately 1 in. (25 mm) or no more
than 1/3 of the g rass blade when cutting . In
ex ce ptionally lush and dense g rass , y ou ma y ha v e
to raise the height-of-cut to the next setting .
Mow at Proper Intervals
Under most nor mal conditions y ou will need to
mo w appro ximately ev er y 4-5 da ys . But remember ,
g rass g ro ws at different rates at different times .
T his means that in order to maintain the same
height-of-cut, whic h is a g ood practice , y ou will
need to cut more frequently in early spring; as the
g rass g ro wth rate slo ws in mid summer , cut only
ev er y 8-10 da ys . If y ou are unable to mo w for
an extended period due to w eather conditions or
other reasons , mo w first with the height-of-cut at
a high lev el; then mo w ag ain 2-3 da ys later with a
lo w er height setting .
Always Mow with Sharp Blades
A shar p blade cuts cleanly and without tearing
or shredding the g rass blades lik e a dull blade .
T earing and shredding causes the g rass to tur n
bro wn at the edg es whic h impairs g ro wth and
increases susce ptibility to diseases .
Use the transpor t latc hes when transpor ting o v er
long distances , rough ter rain, or when trailering .
After Operating
T o ensure optim um perfor mance , clean the
underside of the mo w er housing after eac h use .
If residue is allo w ed to build up in the mo w er
housing, cutting perfor mance will decrease .
Note: Lo w er cutting units to the g round
whenev er mac hine is park ed. T his reliev es the
h y draulic load from the system, prev ents w ear on
system par ts and also prev ents accidental lo w ering
of the cutting units .