Operator's Manual

Product Overview
Figure 3
1. Steering wheel 4. Traction pedal
7. ROPS (Rollover Protection System)
2. Brakes 5. Manual tube
3. Cutting unit
6. Hood/engine compartment
Traction Pedal
T he traction pedal ( Figure 4 ) controls forw ard and
rev erse operation. De press the top of the pedal to
mo v e forw ard and the bottom to mo v e bac kw ard.
Ground speed de pends on ho w far the pedal is
de pressed. F or no load, maxim um g round speed, fully
de press the pedal while the throttle is in F ast.
T o stop , reduce y our foot pressure on the traction
pedal and allo w it to retur n to the center position.
Forward Speed Control
Preset the forw ard speed control ( Figure 4 ) to limit
the amount the traction pedal can be de pressed in
the forw ard direction to maintain a constant mo wing
Key Switch
T he k ey switc h ( Figure 4 ) has three positions: Off ,
On/Preheat, and Star t.
Engine Oil Pressure Warning Light
T he light ( Figure 4 ) illuminates when the engine oil
pressure is dang erously lo w .