Operator's Manual

T he engine has ceased r unning due to lac k of
Maintenance has been perfor med upon the
fuel system components .
R efer to Bleeding the Fuel System in
Fuel System Maintenance , pag e 36 .
1. R emo v e y our foot from the traction pedal and
ensure that it is in neutral. Ensure that the
parking brak e is set.
2. Mo v e the throttle control to the lo w idle
3. T ur n the ignition k ey to the R un position. T he
glo w indicator will light.
4. W hen the glo w indicator dims , tur n the
ignition k ey to the Star t position. R elease the
k ey immediately when the engine star ts and
allo w it to retur n to the R un position. Mo v e
the throttle control to the desired position.
Important: Do not r un the star ter
motor mor e than 15 seconds at a time or
pr ematur e star ter f ailur e may r esult. If the
engine f ails to star t after 15 seconds, tur n
the k ey to the Of f position, r echeck the
contr ols and pr ocedur es, w ait 15 additional
seconds, and r epeat the star ting pr ocedur e.
W hen the temperature is less than 20°F (-7°C),
the star ter motor can be r un for 30 seconds on
then 60 seconds off for 2 attempts .
5. W hen the engine is star ted for the first time , or
after an o v erhaul of the engine , transmission,
or axle , operate the mac hine in forw ard and
rev erse for one or tw o min utes . Also operate
the lift lev er and PTO lev er to ensure proper
operation of all par ts . T ur n the steering wheel
to the left and right to c hec k steering response .
T hen shut the engine off and c hec k for oil
leaks , loose par ts , and any other noticeable
difficulties .
Shut the engine of f and w ait f or all
mo ving par ts to stop bef or e checking
f or oil leaks, loose par ts, and other
Stopping the Engine
Important: Allo w engine to idle f or 5
min utes bef or e shutting it of f after a full load
operation. T his allo ws the turbo charger to
cool do wn bef or e shutting the engine of f.
F ailur e to do so may lead to turbo-charger
tr ouble.
Note: Lo w er cutting units to the g round
whenev er mac hine is park ed. T his reliev es the
h y draulic load from the system, prev ents w ear on
system par ts and also prev ents accidental lo w ering
of the cutting units .
1. Mo v e the throttle control bac kw ard to the
Slo w position.
2. Mo v e the PTO lev er to the Off position.
3. Set the parking brak e .
4. R otate the ignition k ey to Off .
5. R emo v e the k ey from the switc h to prev ent
accidental star ting .
Checking the Interlock
If safety inter lock s witches ar e disconnected
or dama ged the machine could operate
unexpectedl y causing per sonal injur y .
Do not tamper with the inter lock
s witches.
Check the operation of the inter lock
s witches dail y and r eplace an y dama ged
s witches bef or e operating the machine.
R eplace s witches ev er y tw o y ear s or 1500
hour s, whichev er occur s fir st, r egardless
of whether they ar e operating pr oper l y
or not.
T he mac hine has interloc k switc hes in the electrical
system. T hese switc hes are designed to stop the
engine when operator g ets off of the seat when the
traction pedal is de pressed. Ho w ev er , the operator
ma y g et off of the seat while the engine is r unning
and the traction pedal is in neutral. Although the
engine will contin ue to r un if the PTO lev er is
diseng ag ed and the traction pedal is released, it is
strongly recommended that the engine be stopped
before rising from the seat.