Service Manual

To minimize possible damage to the battery and allow
he battery to be fully charged, the slow charging meth-
od is presented here. This charging method can be ac-
complished with a constant current battery charger
is available in most shops.
Follow the manufacturers instructions when
using a battery charger.
1. Determine the battery charge level from either its
open circuit voltage or specific gravity.
Battery Charge
Open Circuit
100% 12.68 1.265
75% 12.45 1.225
50% 12.24 1.190
25% 12.06 1.155
0% 11.89 1.120
2. Determine the charging time and rate using the
s battery charger instructions or the
following table.
Reserve Battery Charge Level
Capacity (Percent of Fully Charged)
75% 50% 25% 0%
80 or less 3.8 hrs 7.5 hrs 11.3 hrs 15 hrs
at at at at
3 amps 3 amps 3 amps 3 amps
81 to 125 5.3 hrs 10.5 hrs 15.8 hrs 21 hrs
at at at at
4 amps 4 amps 4 amps 4 amps
126 to 5.5 hrs 11 hrs 16.5 hrs 22 hrs
170 at at at at
5 amps 5 amps 5 amps 5 amps
171 to 5.8 hrs 11.5 hrs 17.3 hrs 23 hrs
250 at at at at
6 amps 6 amps 6 amps 6 amps
above 6 hrs 12 hrs 18 hrs 24 hrs
250 at at at at
10 amps 10 amps 10 amps 10 amps
tery warm to 60
F (15.5
C) before con-
Charge the battery in a well–ventilated
charging. These gases are explosive;
Nausea may result if the gases are in-
haled. Unplug the charger from the elec-
Do not charge a frozen battery because it
can explode and cause injury. Let the bat-
necting to a charger.
place to dissipate gases produced from
keep open flame and electrical spark
away from the battery. Do not smoke.
trical outlet before connecting or discon-
necting the charger leads from the battery
3. Following the manufacturers battery charger
instructions, connect the charger cables to the battery.
Make sure a good connection is made.
4. Charge the battery following the
battery charger instructions.
5. Occasionally check the temperature of the battery
If the temperature exceeds 125
F (51.6
or the electrolyte is violently gassing or spewing, the
charging rate must be lowered or temporarily stopped.
6. Three hours prior to the end of the charging, mea-
sure the specific gravity of a battery cell once per hour.
The battery is fully charged when the cells are gassing
freely at a low charging rate and there is less than a
0.003 change in specific gravity for three consecutive
Electrical System (Rev. G)
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Groundsmaster 300 Series