Operator's Manual

 !
   
The engine is shipped with 3.7 quarts (3.5 L) of oil in the
crankcase. However, level of oil must be checked
before and after the engine is first started.
 Position the machine on a level surface.
 Disengage hood latch and open the hood.
 Slide bottom of hood prop (Fig. 19) out of retaining
bracket. Lower hood prop, pivot upward, then
downward to prop up hood.
-+85) 
 22( 523
 Remove dipstick and wipe it with a clean rag
(Fig. 20). Push dipstick down into the tube and ensure
it is fully seated. Pull dipstick out of the tube and check
level of oil. If oil level is low, remove filler cap (Fig. 21)
and add enough oil to raise level to top notch on
dipstick (Fig. 20). DO NOT OVERFILL.
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 -367-'.
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 The engine uses any high-quality detergent oil
having the American Petroleum
InstituteĊAPIĊservice classification" CD, CE, CF or
CF-4. Oil viscosity recommendations are: SAE
-+85) 
 -/ *-// ,2/)
!! ,)'. /)9)/ 2* 2-/ %*7)5 )9)5<  ,2856
2* 23)5%7-21 25 (%-/< ,%1+) 2-/ %1( *-/7)5 %*7)5
-1-7-%/  ,2856 %1( )9)5<  ,2856 7,)5)%*7)5
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-6 23)5%7)( -1 );75)0)/< (867< 25 (-57< '21(-7-216
 Install dipstick into tube.
 " ! $!   "
The engine runs on No. 1ĆD or 2ĆD automotive type
diesel fuel with a minimum cetane rating of 40.
27) Higher cetane rated fuel may be required if
machine is to be used at high altitudes and low
atmospheric temperatures.
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Use No. 2ĆD diesel fuel at temperatures above 20F
(Ć7C) and No. 1ĆD diesel fuel below 20F (Ć7C). Use
of No. 1ĆD diesel fuel at lower temperatures provides
lower flash point and pour point characteristics,
therefore, easing startibility and lessening chances of
chemical separation of the fuel due to low
temperatures (wax appearance, which may plug