Operator's Manual
The engine is shipped with 3.7 quarts (3.5 L) of oil in the
crankcase. However, level of oil must be checked
before and after the engine is first started.
Position the machine on a level surface.
Disengage hood latch and open the hood.
Slide bottom of hood prop (Fig. 19) out of retaining
bracket. Lower hood prop, pivot upward, then
downward to prop up hood.
22( 523
Remove dipstick and wipe it with a clean rag
(Fig. 20). Push dipstick down into the tube and ensure
it is fully seated. Pull dipstick out of the tube and check
level of oil. If oil level is low, remove filler cap (Fig. 21)
and add enough oil to raise level to top notch on
dipstick (Fig. 20). DO NOT OVERFILL.
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The engine uses any high-quality detergent oil
having the American Petroleum
InstituteĊAPIĊservice classification" CD, CE, CF or
CF-4. Oil viscosity recommendations are: SAE
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Install dipstick into tube.
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The engine runs on No. 1ĆD or 2ĆD automotive type
diesel fuel with a minimum cetane rating of 40.
27) Higher cetane rated fuel may be required if
machine is to be used at high altitudes and low
atmospheric temperatures.
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Use No. 2ĆD diesel fuel at temperatures above 20F
(Ć7C) and No. 1ĆD diesel fuel below 20F (Ć7C). Use
of No. 1ĆD diesel fuel at lower temperatures provides
lower flash point and pour point characteristics,
therefore, easing startibility and lessening chances of
chemical separation of the fuel due to low
temperatures (wax appearance, which may plug