Service Manual

Throttle Linkage Adjustment (Fig. 15)
1. Loosen the capscrew and nut securing the throttle
cable to throttle lever.
2. Push the governor lever all the way back so it is
contacting the high speed set screw.
3. Move the throttle lever to the maximum speed posi-
tion (all the way forward).
4. Tighten the cap screw and nut securing the throttle
cable to the governor lever.
5. Make sure the throttle cable conduit does not interfere
h the full range of motion of the throttle lever or
governor lever.
Giving Immediate attention to any indication of a prob-
lem can prevent major failures, and increase the life of
the engine.
Figure 15
1. Governor lever 4. Throttle cable
2. Cap screw and nut 5. Throttle cable conduit
3. Throttle lever
Never make more that one adjustment at a time, then
locate the trouble by a process of elimination. Remem-
ber the cause is usually SIMPLE, rather than mysterious
and complicated.
300 Series Page 4 - 15 Troubleshooting