Operator's Manual

 Press down on front of traction pedal and check
travel. There should be approximately 3.50" clearance
between end of pedal and floor plate when pedal in
fully depressed (Fig. 54). Adjust pump control rod
(Fig. 55) to attain dimension.
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 Loosen two nuts securing traction pedal shaft on
right side of pedal (Fig. 55).
 Rotate shaft to relocate worn surface of friction
wheel away from underside of traction pedal.
 Tighten nuts to secure shaft and wheel in position.
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 Park vehicle on a level surface and turn engine off.
Apply the parking brake, tip seat forward, and actuate
pump lever (Fig. 56) to insure assembly is properly
seated and operating freely. Correct any discrepancy.
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 Block right front tire and both rear tires so vehicle
cannot roll forward or backward.
 Jack up frame so left front wheel is off the shop
floor. Use a jack stand to support the frame.
 Start engine and allow it to idle for 5 minutes to heat
oil in transmission to operating temperature.
 Release parking brake; then check left front wheel
that is off shop floor. Wheel must not be rotating. If
wheel is rotating, proceed to step 6 for an adjustment. If
wheel is not rotating, proceed to step 8. Verify the
adjustment with throttle in SLOW and FAST position.
 Because the wheel is rotating, the pump plate
must be adjusted. But before adjusting the pump
plate, move throttle to SLOW. If wheel is rotating
forward, loosen capscrews, and lightly tap bottom of
pump plate counterclockwise (Fig. 56). By contrast,
tap pump plate clockwise if wheel is rotating backward
(Fig. 56). When wheel stops rotating, tighten
capscrews holding pump plate against side of
transmission. Verify the adjustment with throttle in
SLOW and FAST position.
 Should front wheel continue to rotate, check for the
 Ball bearing is loose or worn out (Fig. 56).
 Plunger on interlock switch is sticking.
 Loose or missing fasteners.
 Worn roll pin securing pump lever to
 Pump lever loose on control shaft. (Correct
by applying Loc-tite 271 or 601 to shaft.)