Operator's Manual

  
 Dry filter element using warm, flowing air
(160F (71C) max), or allow element to air-dry.
Do not use compressed air or a light bulb to dry
the filter element because damage could result.
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 Blow compressed air from inside to the
outside of dry filter element. Do not exceed 100
psi (689 kPa) to prevent damage to the element.
 Keep air hose nozzle at least one inch
(25 mm) from pleated paper, and move nozzle
up and down while rotating the filter element.
Inspect element when dust and dirt are
removed; refer to Inspecting Filter Element.
 Wipe inside of air cleaner body with a damp cloth to
remove excess dust. Slide filter into air cleaner body
and secure it in place with wing nut and gasket.
 Reinstall dust cup and baffle. Move thumb screw
behind air cleaner body and tighten it securely.
  
 Place bright light inside filter.
 Rotate filter slowly while checking for cleanliness,
ruptures, holes, and tears. Replace defective filter
 Check fin assembly, gasket, and screen for
damage. Replace filter if damage is evident.
 
   
The screen and front of the radiator must be kept clean
to prevent the engine from overheating. Normally,
check the screen and front of radiator daily and, if
necessary, clean any debris off these parts. However, it
will be necessary to check and to clean the screen
each quarter hour and radiator checked every hour in
extremely dusty and dirty conditions.
*.! This situation may be particularly prevalent if the
rear discharge cutting unit is being used. The front of
the radiator can be cleaned thoroughly by blowing
with compressed air from the fan side of the radiator.
Make sure to clean out any debris that settles to the
bottom of the screen. The screen in front of radiator can
be removedĊby loosening wing nuts at top of
screenĊto make cleaning easier.
   
Check oil level after each day's operation or each time
machine is used. Change oil after every 50 hours of
operation; change oil filter after first 50 hours and every
100 hours operation thereafter. However, change oil
more frequently when engine is operated in dusty or
sandy conditions. If possible, run engine just before
changing oil because warm oil flows better and carries
more contaminants than cold oil.
 Position machine on a level surface.
 Disengage hood latch and open the hood. Set
drain pan under the housing and in line with drain plug
(Fig. 42).
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 Clean area around drain plug.
 Remove oil drain plug and allow oil to flow into
drain pan. Remove and replace oil filter (Fig. 43); refer
to parts catalog for part number.