Operator's Manual

3. Open the air bleed screw on the fuel injection pump
(Fig. 31).
Figure 31
1. Fuel injection pump bleed
4. Turn key in ignition switch to the ON position. Electric
fuel pump will begin operation, thereby forcing air out
around air bleed screw. Leave key in ON position until
solid stream of fuel flows out around screw. Tighten
screw and turn key to OFF.
Note: Normally, engine should start after above bleeding
procedures are followed. However, if engine does not start,
air may be trapped between injection pump and injectors;
refer to Bleeding Air From Injectors.
Checking the Interlock
If safety interlock switches are disconnected or
damaged the machine could operate unexpectedly
causing personal injury.
Do not tamper with the interlock switches.
Check the operation of the interlock switches
daily and replace any damaged switches before
operating the machine.
Replace switches every two years or 1000 hours,
whichever occurs first, regardless of whether
they are operating properly or not.
The machine has interlock switches in the electrical system.
These switches are designed to stop the engine when
operator gets off the seat while either the PTO lever is
engaged or traction pedal is depressed. However, operator
may get off the seat while engine is running. Although
engine will continue to run if PTO lever is disengaged and
traction pedal is released, it is strongly recommended that
the engine be stopped before dismounting from the seat.
To check operation of interlock switches:
1. Drive the machine slowly to a large, relatively open
area. Lower cutting unit, stop the engine and apply
parking brake.
2. Sit on seat. Move PTO lever to ON position. With the
traction pedal in neutral position, try to start the engine.
The engine should not crank. If the engine cranks, there
is a malfunction in the interlock system that should be
corrected before beginning operation.
3. Sit on seat. Move PTO lever to OFF and depress the
traction pedal. Try to start the engine. The engine
should not crank. If the engine cranks, there is a
malfunction in the interlock system that should be
corrected before beginning operation.
Do not operate the machine without an implement
unless the PTO driveshaft is also removed.
4. Sit on seat and start the engine. Disengage the parking
brake. Raise off the seat and move the PTO lever to
ON. The engine should stop within 2–3 seconds. If the
engine does not stop, there is a malfunction in the
interlock system that should be corrected before
beginning operation.
5. Engage the parking brake. Depress the traction pedal
while engine is running and the PTO lever is
disengaged. The engine should stop within 2 seconds. If
engine stops, the switch is operating correctly; thus,
continue operation. If engine does not stop, there is a
malfunction in the interlock system that should be
corrected before beginning operation.
Pushing or Towing the Traction
In an emergency, the traction unit can be pushed or towed
for a very short distance. However, Toro does not
recommend this as standard procedure.
Important Do no push or tow the traction unit faster
than 2 to 3 MPH (3 to 4.8 km/h) because transmission may
be damaged. If traction unit must be moved a considerable
distance, transport it on a truck or trailer. Whenever traction
unit is pushed or towed, bypass valve must be open.
1. Reach under traction unit and rotate bypass valve
(Fig. 32) 1/2 to 1 turn counterclockwise. Opening the
valve opens an internal passage in the transmission,
thereby bypassing transmission oil. Because fluid is
bypassed, traction unit can be moved without damaging
the transmission.