Service Manual

Groundsmaster 580–D
Page 3A – 1
Table of Contents
Rev. E
Chapter 3A
Engine (Model 30581)
Table of Contents
General Information 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General Information
The engine used in the Groundsmaster 580–D mower
is manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited.
Service and repair parts for Mitsubishi engines are sup-
plied through TORO Distributors. Repair parts may be
ordered by TORO part number. If no parts list is avail-
able be sure to provide your Distributor with the TORO
model number and serial number.
General maintenance procedures are described in your
Toro Operator’s Manual.
Information on engine troubleshooting, testing, disas-
sembly and reassembly is provided in the Mitsubishi
S4S–DT Engine Service Manual, Part No. 95866SL.
Note: Refer to Chapter 3 – Engine (Model 30580) for
information regarding engine removal and installation.
Stopping the Engine
IMPORTANT: Before stopping the engine after
mowing or full load operation, cool the turbochar-
ger by allowing the engine to idle at low speed for 5
minutes. Failure to do so may lead to turbocharger