Operator's Manual

T his machine meets or ex ceeds CEN standard
EN 836:1997, ISO standard 5395:1990, and
ANSI B71.4-1999 specifications in ef fect at the
time of pr oduction.
Impr oper use or maintenance by the operator
or o wner can r esult in injur y . T o r educe
the potential f or injur y , compl y with these
safety instr uctions and al w ays pay attention
to the safety aler t symbol, which means
Caution, W ar ning , or Danger—per sonal
safety instr uction. F ailur e to compl y with the
instr uction may r esult in per sonal injur y or
Safe Operating Practices
T he follo wing instr uctions are from the CEN
standard EN 836:1997, ISO standard 5395:1990,
and ANSI standard B71.4-1999.
R ead the Operator’ s Manual and other training
material carefully . Be familiar with the
controls , safety signs , and the proper use of the
Nev er allo w c hildren or people unfamiliar with
these instr uctions to use the mo w er . Local
regulations ma y restrict the ag e of the operator .
Nev er mo w while people , especially c hildren,
or pets are nearb y .
K ee p in mind that the operator or user is
responsible for accidents or hazards occur ring
to himself or herself , other people , or proper ty .
Do not car r y passeng ers .
All dri v ers and mec hanics should seek and
obtain professional and practical instr uction.
T he o wner is responsible for training the users .
Suc h instr uction should emphasize:
the need for care and concentration when
w orking with ride-on mac hines;
control of a ride-on mac hine sliding on a
slope will not be reg ained b y the application
of the brak e . T he main reasons for loss of
control are:
insufficient wheel g rip;
being dri v en too fast;
inadequate braking;
the type of mac hine is unsuitable for its
lac k of a w areness of the effect of
g round conditions , especially slopes;
incor rect hitc hing and load distribution.
W hile mo wing, alw a ys w ear substantial
footw ear , long trousers , hard hat, safety glasses ,
and ear protection. Long hair , loose clothing
or jew elr y ma y g et tangled in mo ving par ts . Do
not operate the equipment when barefoot or
w earing open sandals .
T horoughly inspect the area where the
equipment is to be used and remo v e all objects
whic h ma y be thro wn b y the mac hine .
W ar ning –fuel is highly flammable . T ak e the
follo wing precautions:
Store fuel in containers specifically designed
for this pur pose .
R efuel outdoors only and do not smok e
while refuelling .
Add fuel before star ting the engine . Nev er
remo v e the cap of the fuel tank or add fuel
while the engine is r unning or when the
engine is hot.
If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to star t the
engine but mo v e the mac hine a w a y from
the area of spillag e and a v oid creating any
source of ignition until fuel v apors ha v e
R e place all fuel tank and container caps
securely .
R e place faulty silencers/m ufflers .
Before using, alw a ys visually inspect to see that
the blades , blade bolts , and cutting assembly
are not w or n or damag ed. R e place w or n or
damag ed blades and bolts in sets to preser v e
balance .
On m ulti-bladed mac hines , tak e care as rotating
one blade can cause other blades to rotate .
Ev aluate the ter rain to deter mine what
accessories and attac hments are needed to
properly and safely perfor m the job . Only use